Waste Services
Regulated Medical Waste
Any waste that is contaminated with infectious material is considered a biohazard and a threat to both the environment and to public health. At Barnett, we are committed to protecting your facility and the community at large by offering you a program that will keep your organization compliant.
Our biohazard waste removal services are designed to be affordable and scalable, so they can grow as you do. Whether you have one office or a dozen, you’ll love the peace of mind that comes from knowing your biohazard needs are covered and that your office is secure.
Pharmaceutical Waste
Pharmaceutical waste is any waste which contains medicinal drugs — that are NOT controlled substances— that are expired, unused, contaminated, damaged or no longer needed.
Tablets and capsules
Medicinal syrups, lozenges, or gums
Medicinal creams, ointments, gels
Dermal patches
Multi-dose viles with drug remaining
Packaging that contained warfarin (coumadin) or nicotine
IV bags or turn with residual pharmaceutical liquids such as antibiotics or TPN with silver
Chemotherapy Waste
Trace chemotherapy (the yellow container) wastes fall into two categories:
Items contaminated with residual amounts of chemotherapy drugs, such as empty drug bottles, drug dispensing devices or IV bags and tubing.
Gloves, gowns, masks, goggles and other disposable items used when administering chemotherapy drugs if chemotherapy drugs have not spilled, leaked or dripped on them.
Amalgam Mail-Back Containers
Barnett Medical Service offers a full line of amalgam waste containers, equipped with extra health & safety protection. Our Silver Service Amalgam Waste containers are UN/DOT approved and have been specifically designed for the safe handling and compliant disposal of dental waste containing amalgam.
Return shipping, professional and compliant recycling of the amalgam waste, and a recycling certificate are always included with the purchase of each container.
Pathology Disposal
Pathological wastes are waste material consisting of only human remains, anatomical parts, and/or tissues. This type of waste should be collected in approved biological waste bags. Some states, such as California require incineration for pathological waste, with no provision for exceptions. Other states allow alternative treatment methods.
Labeling Requirements for Pathology Waste:
All pathology waste must be placed in a red bag labeled with the words “BIOHAZARDOUS WASTE” or with the international symbol and the word “BIOHAZARD”.
All pathology waste must be labeled with the words ”PATHOLOGY WASTE - FOR INCINERATION ONLY” on the top and ll four sides of each container.
Pathology Waste Storage:
All pathology waste bags must be securely tied.
Secondary containers must be rigid, leak resistant, have tight fitting covers, be clean, and in good repair.
Pathology waste needs to be removed from your premises by a licensed medical waste transporter within 7 calendar days of being generated.
If the waste becomes odorous prior to pick-up, storage in an approved cold storage or freezer is necessary.
If you have more questions, please contact us.